Why are you Losing Hair in Diabetes?

Hair loss is frustrating. It’s a clear destroyer of self-confidence. After all, having healthy hair is a sign of good health! And, when locks of hair go down the drain in the shower, it certainly disturbs you. However, it might come as a surprise to many of you that there is a connection between diabetes and hair loss!

You might have tried different shampoos, hair gels, and vitamin supplements, but did you ever wonder that your hair loss might be due to high blood sugar levels?

Hair loss and Diabetes – The Connection

It’s not actually frizzy! The connection between hair loss and diabetes is pretty straight. Diabetes, when uncontrolled, tends to affect every cell of your body. While we concentrate on its major complications, many minor complications of diabetes go unnoticed. That’s where your hair loss comes into the picture.

Diabetes affects both the large and small blood vessels. Larger blood vessel damage leads to heart diseases. Damage to smaller blood vessels is linked to kidney and eye damage, and of course hair loss. This is because when smaller blood vessels are damaged, cells of the skin do not get proper supply of fresh oxygen required for good hair growth.

Other reasons for Hair Loss in Diabetes


Diabetes increases stress on the body. This disrupts your normal hair growth cycles thus causing hair fall.

Hormonal imbalances:

Diabetes is guilty of causing certain hormonal fluctuations. This is another reason for hair loss in diabetes.

Thyroid disorders:

Though this is not a straight connection, people with diabetes are prone to thyroid disorders and thyroid disorders do cause significant hair loss.

Compromised immunity:

Diabetes compromises your immunity with high blood sugar levels. You become more susceptible to get skin and scalp infections. Scalp infections lead to hair loss.

Vitamin deficiency:

Some people with diabetes are prone to have zinc deficiency and this triggers hair loss.

Certain medications:

Usage of medications like metformin on the long run is known to reduce the absorption of vitamins in some people. Hair loss is a consequence of vitamin deficiency in this case.

Alopecia Areata

People with type 1 diabetes who have to take insulin injections experience hair loss due to a condition called alopecia areata. This condition is characterized by patches of baldness because of its effect on the scalp.

Alopecia areata is an embarrassing skin condition where there is damage to hair-bearing skin and the hair follicles. Though hair might grow back, there is likelihood of hair fall again. So, if you have type 1 diabetes or any other autoimmune disease and observe patches of hair loss, consult your doctor immediately.

Hair loss in Diabetes – Fixing the split ends

Hair loss in diabetes may not be a clean shave. You can prevent permanent hair loss by taking simple measures. Many people who have gained control over their blood sugar levels have regained normal hair growth and reduced hair fall.

• Tight control of blood sugar levels. Reaching your target sugar levels helps in reducing hair fall.

• Reach target HbA1c levels. Many people find their hair growing normally as soon as their HbA1c is in range.

• Adopt a healthy lifestyle with good diet, proper exercise, and never forget to take your diabetes medications. This way you not only gain good health, you also prevent hair loss.

• Ask your doctor for vitamin supplementation that includes biotin.

• Reduce stress caused due to diabetes. Take time to relax. Try meditation or yoga.

• Talk to your doctor about medications or hair loss.

• Try essential oils. They are known to assist in hair restoration.