

Angiopathy is a disease of the blood vessels. It can affect the arteries, veins, and capillaries. Angiopathy occurs as macroangiopathy, and microangiopathy. In the case of macroangiopathy, blood clots and fat accumulate in the large blood vessels and obstruct the flow of blood. In the case of microangiopathy, the walls of the small blood vessels become weak and thin resulting in leakage of protein. This leads to a slowing down of blood flow. Microangiopathy is common among people with diabetes. It develops due to the thickening of capillaries. This usually happens in the eye leading to diabetic retinopathy. It also happen in the kidneys leading to diabetic nephropathy. In both cases, the processes of occurrence is more or less the same. Due to uncontrolled blood sugar levels, there is glucose toxicity. This leads to the damage to the endothelium of the cells of the vascular system as they accumulate glucose. This starts the chain reaction of capillary damage and then the damage of the small blood vessels. Angiopathy can even lead to complications like diabetic dermopathy.