Diabetes is a big deal; lifestyle changes help

Diabetes- Is that a very serious disease? Or can we take it easy?

There are many people who claim that had they known about diabetes earlier in their life, they would have been much efficient in dealing with it. I get concerned when recently detected diabetics say that it is no big deal, we just have to take a pill for it. No it is a big deal.

Many times we hear people saying that they have borderline diabetes or prediabetes. And also, there it is a mandate that if you have type 2 diabetes, you had prediabetes and could not recognize due to lack of symptoms. Only a blood test could have detected diabetes.

Prediabetes is serious because it increases your risk of heart disease and other diabetes complications.  At this stage, onset of diabetes can be prevented by adopting to diet and lifestyle changes. Some of the lifestyle changes include:

Improve your Diet: Following a healthy diet, keeping a close tab on calories is one the most important aspects of managing diet. Inclusion of whole cereals, pulses, grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and low-fat dairy brings a significant improvement.

Avoiding high Glycemic index foods like white breads, white rice, and soda and more importantly fast-food plays an important role in the improvement of diet.

Too much food and little physical activity are seen as the major culprits. The diet today is high on fat, sugar and the body can’t handle the food imbalance. When it comes to food, the focus has shifted from nutrition to taste. Junk food is tasty as well as easily available. Plus, the fact that from kids to adults, people hardly exercise adds to the problem.

Workout every day: Exercise is perhaps the best antidote of most lifestyle related disorders, including high blood sugar. Several researches have shown that modern day lifestyle lacks any form of physical activity. Exercising is a must if you have prediabetes or diabetes. Sedentary lifestyle increases insulin resistance in the body.

Clock eight hours of sleep: Several studies have established the link between lack of sleep and weight gain. People suffer from poor sleep that is inadequate in duration or quality. Because they wake up un-refreshed, they are less motivated to exercise or eat the right food. There is sleepiness during day time and deregulation in blood pressure and blood sugar levels. There is also an increased heart risk.

Quit smoking: Smoking makes your tissues resist to the beneficial effects of insulin. It damages the blood vessels in the body and also releases inflammatory chemical, which further increase the stress on the body.

Follow a healthy diet that is low in fat and sugar and get regular exercise. It will keep you physically strong and healthy, help reduce stress and help with blood glucose control.