Calories in Palak Paneer Curry

Palak Paneer calories

Take a superfood, and add some cottage cheese to it. That’s when you land up with this tasty delight that’s great with rotis. Yes, Palak Paneer needs no special introduction, but the health benefits of spinach (palak) and cottage cheese (paneer) for people with diabetes does demand a mention. Having palak paneer along with rotis once in a while is good for your diabetes diet plan.

Health benefits of spinach (palak)

While we don’t need Popeye to demonstrate the health benefits of spinach, the dramatic effect is not far from reality. Spinach or palak is loaded with vital nutrients. Here are some benefits of spinach:

  • Spinach regulates blood sugar levels
  • Reduces the risk of cancer
  • Is good for bone health
  • With high iron content, it reduces iron-deficiency anemia
  • Having magnesium, it is good for heart health, nervous system, and blood pressure control
  • Since spinach has alpha lipoic acid, it increases the sensitivity of insulin in the tissues

Health benefits of cottage cheese (paneer)

  • Paneer is a good source of protein
  • It improves metabolism and reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome
  • It might assist in weight loss
  • Having generous amounts of vitamins and minerals, paneer is also a good source of calcium

However, one should note the high sodium content in paneer. So, recipes like palak paneer should be consumed in moderation as part of your diabetes diet plan.

Calories in Palak Paneer Curry (100 gm.)

Calories 83.86 Kcal
Protein 4.78 gm.
Fat 5.24 gm.
Saturated Fat 1.54 gm.
Carbohydrates 4.01 gm.
Fiber 2.24 gm.
Sodium 292.05 mg.
Potassium 523.20 mg.
Calcium 140.52 mg.
Iron 2.59 mg.
Zinc 0.81 mg.

Vitamins in Palak Paneer Curry (100 gm.)

Vitamin A 3.21 μg.
Vitamin B2 0.10 mg.
Vitamin B6 0.13 mg.
Vitamin B9 125.38 μg.
Vitamin C 23.49 mg.
Carotenoids 8376.98 μg.
Vitamin D2 0.51 μg.