customized care

Customized diabetes care for every patient

One Size does not fit all!

All diabetics do not have the same lifestyle factors, same risk of complications and response to medications. That is why Diabetologists at Apollo Sugar Clinics have come up with a customized diabetes program for each patient addressing their unique needs.

You can now achieve your targeted blood sugar levels, lead a normal life and avoid the risk of numerous diabetes complications like retinopathy, neuropathy, diabetic foot and others.
Every patient gets care after a thorough evaluation of the family history, blood glucose control, and susceptibility to complications.

Main aspects of diabetes management include

  • Medications,
  • Appropriate diagnostics
  • Screening for complications
  • Diet

Diabetes care beyond pills, injections and the four walls of the clinic!

Why Apollo Sugar Clinics?

Traditional Approach Apollo Sugar Clinics Approach
Non-centralized. Holistic, Centralized, and Multidisciplinary.
Non-centralized. Holistic, Centralized, and Multidisciplinary.
Involves the patient visiting multiple healthcare institutions. Comprehensive care under one roof.
Does not provide extended care. Provides extended care via tech interface and interactive communication sessions with experts.
Is based more on medication management. Provides care with medication, lifestyle modifications, dietary counselling and exercise coaching.
Does not include the psychological aspect of care. Empowers patients. Assists in managing diabetes better. Provides assistance to comply with treatment by support, outbound calls, reminders, diabetes mobile apps, and health coach.
No early intervention for diabetes complication. Provides periodical screening and treatment options for complications of diabetes.
Diabetes Education Not Available. Individualized Diabetes education and awareness.
Limited Outcome Rates. Better outcomes and lesser mortalities due to complications.