All you need to know about diabetes and its symptoms

Diabetes doesn’t really come without a sign. You might have just been diagnosed with diabetes. The post-diagnosis period might as well be followed by confusions – whereby you are completely unable to figure out how it happened, when it happened and why you couldn’t “see” it coming!

What are the “minor” symptoms that you shouldn’t avoid?

You perhaps had failed to “see” diabetes as such, simply because of the fact that you were not aware of the basic symptoms of this particular disease at the first place. Let us tell you that there are a few regular diabetes symptoms in men that you should get checked without fail. And, why exactly are we calling them “regular” symptoms? Would you ever think that something as apparently inconsequential like dry mouth can actually be a sign of diabetes? This wasn’t even in the ambit of your imagination – right?

Let us tell you that the symptoms of diabetes are as “regular” as you can imagine. They may vary from person to person but general signs include:

  • Nausea
  • Increased thirst
  • Blurred vision
  • Tingling of hands and feet
  • Numbness
  • Fatigue
  • The feeling of hunger even after eating


It would be prudent on your end to get any of these symptoms checked by a credentialed diabetologist so as to avoid future complications. Needless to say, if identified early, diabetes can be controlled in a more meaningful fashion than what is the case if it is identified later. Let us go further through the post in a bid to find out more about the possible of symptoms of diabetes in men. After all, knowledge is powerful – hardly anything else can help you combat diabetes or for that matter any serious disorder in such a powerful way as knowledge can do.


All about type 2 diabetes symptoms in men


Let us tell you that type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1 diabetes. Reportedly, it has affected around 95% of men till date. Sugar build-up in blood is associated with a number of problems- a few of which have been listed below.


Dehydration: We have already told you about this one. One of the most common signs of sugar build-up in your blood is increased urination. It is urination which sweeps off the sugar from your body. It’s when your kidneys start losing sugar through urine that you start experiencing dehydration.


Body damage is a direct result of excess sugar as well. With the passage of time, the increased sugar levels end up damaging the nerves and the small vessels of various parts of your body. Talk about gradual damage to eyes, heart and kidneys – and increased blood sugar is responsible for all these occurrences. Diabetes also predisposes you to atherosclerosis – characterized by hardening of large arteries responsible for heart attack and stroke.


Hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma occurs when the patient with type 2 diabetes becomes tremendously dehydrated and is unable to get sufficient drinks in a bid to make up for the loss of fluids.