Why I should check my blood sugar levels at home

Self-monitoring of blood sugar levels

It might come as a surprise to you that most of the treatment for diabetes happens at home through self-monitoring. Yes. When you fail to control your diabetes, you go looking out for the best endocrinologist or the best diabetes doctor near you. However, you fail to understand that the secret to control diabetes had been always there in your home!

When you are not able to control diabetes, diabetes doctors and endocrinologists might increase the dosage of medication or change your medication altogether. However, this is not a permanent solution. Your medication dosage might keep increasing with all the added side effects.

So how to control diabetes at home? The answer is simple. Self-monitoring of blood sugar levels, diet, and physical activity. Adjust your daily routine in such a way that your blood sugar levels don’t become high.

Why self-monitoring in diabetes?

Be an active member in your diabetes treatment.

With self-monitoring, you are in control of your diabetes treatment. It has been proven numerous times that self-monitoring through the use of glucometers is highly useful.

By measuring blood sugar levels regularly at home, you have a detailed report of how your blood sugar levels behave. Unlike HbA1c test, self-monitoring with glucometers gives you a real-time report with continuous data on your sugar levels pouring in. This data gives your diabetes doctor that special insight for a targeted treatment.

Benefits of self-monitoring using a glucometer

When it comes to a diabetes treatment at home, many diabetes doctors agree that self-monitoring with glucometers is the best way to arrive at an individualized treatment plan. With the knowledge of the way your blood sugar levels behave over a period of time allows your diabetes doctor to give you a tailor-made treatment. Here are some benefits of self-monitoring with glucometers.

  • You get an idea of your fasting, postprandial, and random blood sugar levels over a period of time
  • Monitor the effects of your diabetic diet on postprandial sugar levels
  • In case you are on insulin, you can adjust insulin doses and know about its effectiveness.
  • Prevent low sugar levels (hypoglycemia)
  • Better blood sugar control during exercise or physical activity

More benefits of self-monitoring with a glucometer

Self-monitoring of blood sugar levels is a major component of diabetes treatment at home. It should be done as per the individual protocols and guidelines set by diabetes doctors or endocrinologists.

  • Understand better when you are reaching your overall treatment goals
  • How your diabetic diet and exercise affects your blood sugar levels
  • You will understand how stress or illness affect your blood sugar levels
  • You will be well able to monitor the effects of medication for your blood sugar levels

Your diabetes doctor will instruct you as to how often you should be checking your blood sugar levels.

  • For type 1 diabetes –your diabetes doctor may want you to check your blood sugar levels about 4-10 times a day. A test before every meal, before bedtime, before and after exercise, and whenever you fall ill.
  • For type 2 diabetes – testing few times a day, depending on the amount and type of insulin you take.

Take control of your diabetes at home. Get your self-monitoring guidelines here. Know more about the best glucometer for you. Enquire Now.