diabetes treatment

How to balance your hormones naturally

Hormone balancing can be vaguely terrifying, but much needed. A seemingly easy fix is adding artificial hormones and getting hormone…

Hormone-balancing Meal Plan for Women

Blame it on the Hormones! As if navigating through the complexities of our bodies and maintaining good health is not…

3 quick and healthy Ramzan special recipes for people with diabetes

Fasting during Ramadan is obligatory for all healthy adult Muslims which amounts to refraining from eating and drinking from pre-dawn…

5 Yoga Poses that Keep Diabetes under Control

Diabetes specialists across the world suggest 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week and most people choose walking for…

7 Effective Ways to Manage your Weight in Diabetes

The basic formula of managing weight that most of us have followed since time immemorial is lots of exercise +…

Keep a Check on Blood Sugar Levels and Cholesterol with Diabetes

When you have diabetes, you know you should take care of your glucose levels. But does it end there? For…

How well are you coping with Diabetes?

If it’s common cold you will sneeze and people will know. If it’s indigestion, you will vomit. If it’s a…

5 Recipes for Thyroid Rejuvenation in Hypothyroidism

Around 41 million people in India suffer from thyroid disorders in India. Women, especially in the later years of their…

Diabetes & Eyesight – How does it impact your current Eyeglass Prescription?

There is something about eyeglasses that tends to add character to a person. We shop for latest eyeglass frames to…

5 Best Workouts for People with Diabetes

Exercise offers so many surprising benefits for those who have diabetes – it not only lowers blood sugar levels, but…

WhyWait – ‘Yes You Can’, Nutrition/Recipe

1. #WhyWait when you can have a wholesome, delicious over-night ‘Oats & Chia Seeds Pudding’ for breakfast. High in fibre,…

Cool off this summer with these diabetes friendly drinks

It is incumbent that we stay hydrated for the good of our health and body, more so duringsummers. And for…

Mouth-watering sugar-free ice cream recipes

The only thing that is better than a nice, cold and creamy ice cream on a hot summer day is…

Compliance to Diabetes Treatment

Importance of  Compliance in Diabetes Treatment The term ‘compliance’ refers to how much a person’s behavior or habits are aligned…

Management of Diabetes

 Management of Diabetes Diabetes management refers to dealing with short term diabetes events like high and low blood sugar and…

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