Can you spot symptoms of diabetes in your family members

Symptoms of Diabetes

On this World Diabetes Day, let’s protect our family’s health and its future.

There are several factors that can possibly contribute to the risk of developing
diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2 – diabetes can come from genetics, just how it can come from sedentary family habits. The two factors that put you at a risk of getting affected with diabetes are your genetic history and family’s lifestyle and eating habits.
By understanding these two major issues, you can control the symptoms of diabetes in your family early with more ease or completely prevent diabetes with the right measures of healthy eating habits, developing an active lifestyle and taking care of both internal and physical health.

Symptoms of Diabetes

It is possible to have diabetes with very mild symptoms or without developing any signs and symptoms at all.

  • Frequent urination
  • Unusual weight loss
  • Excess weight gain
  • Disproportionate thirst
  • Hunger pangs
  • Increased fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Eye problems
  • Blurred vision
  • Bruises or cuts that don’t heal properly or heal at all
  • Various skin or yeast infections
  • Itching skin
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Frequent gum infections or diseases
  • Tingling or numbness in your hands and feet all the time
  • Sexual dysfunction among men

It is important to deal with diabetes together as a family when you start noticing certain signs or symptoms of it in your family member. Simple steps like self-monitoring, keeping an eye on blood sugar levels, addressing to a better and healthier lifestyle and dietary changes can make a huge difference for your family’s well-being and their long-term health.

The importance of eating healthy is as crucial for a better functioning system as is physical exercise for a better mind and body. Incorporating and adapting to these changes in your life can prevent you and your family member from various diseases, which primarily include diabetes.

The following diet (diet in diabetes whether or not you are a diabetic) and workout tips can make a big difference in your family member’s health that is showing the signs and symptoms of diabetes. Regardless, it is healthier to practice these guidelines together as a family to completely prevent diabetes.

Best Foods to Eat

  • Fatty fish – contains omega-3 fats that reduce the risk of strokes, heart
    diseases and inflammation.
  • Green leafy vegetables – rich in antioxidants and nutrients which protect your
    eyes and heart health.
  • Cinnamon – improves blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity and helps
    reduce cholesterol.
  • Eggs – promotes good blood sugar control, reduces the risk of heart diseases,
    protects eyes and keeps you full.
  • Chia seeds – contains high fiber, helps reduce inflammation and blood pressure.
  • Greek yogurt – promotes healthy blood sugar levels, helps manage weight, and reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • Nuts – helps reduce blood sugar, LDL levels and insulin.
  • Broccoli – helps protect against various diseases as it is low in calories and carbs and high in nutrient value.
  • Extra-virgin olive oil – has many benefits for heart health and blood pressure.
  • Flax seeds – helps improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Apple cider vinegar – lowers blood sugar, improves insulin sensitivity and keeps you feeling full.

Best forms of exercises you can do as a family

  • Walking – helps control your blood sugar levels, keeps your weight in check,
    improves your heart health, gives you better sleep and lowers the risk of many
    health complications.
  • Tai chi –helps minimize the complications of diabetes, it improves the lung and
    heart’s function, balance, flexibility, muscle strength, and reduces stress.
  • Yoga –helps fight insulin resistance, lower the body fat, improve nerve function and reduces stress which is the most important as stress majorly affects your blood sugar levels.
  • Swimming–improves blood flow, burns calories and tones the body. Also, helps with diabetic neuropathy as most upper body muscles are used, so those who suffer from numbness or the elderly in your family can benefit from swimming.
  • Weight training – helps the body to improve the way it uses blood sugar, your body responds to insulin better, lowers the risk of several heart diseases and maintains healthy weight.
  • Stationary bicycling –helps to improve the blood flow to your legs and burns a lot of calories at the same time, which helps to maintain a healthy weight.