FAQ’s About PCOS – Pregnancy & PCOS – Periods

Irregular menstrual cycles are the earliest symptoms of PCOS and are a major cause of infertility or inability to have a baby in women.High androgen levels due to PCOS interfere with your egg production, daily egg release and eventually affecting pregnancy. Below is everything you need to know about PCOS and its ill-effects on pregnancy.

Can a PCOS female get pregnant?

PCOS is a disorder caused by hormonal imbalance of the thyroid gland. This imbalance influences the ovaries to produce more than normal levels of androgens (testosterone which is a male hormone).  This imbalance manifests as irregular menstrual cycle.

It is common knowledge that irregular menstruation can hamper ovulation and cause fertility issues. There is a possibility of pregnancy depending on the gravity of the disorder.

Does hyperthyroidism causes infertility in women?

Hyper as a prefix means an excess of like hyperglycaemia is high sugar, Hypertension is high blood pressure, Hyperthyroidism is excessive production of the thyroid hormone.

The hormones secreted by the endocrine gland thyroid control the reproductive system. Any imbalance affects the functioning of the ovaries mainly non ovulation, formation of cysts.  If there is no ovule (egg) released then fertilization does not occur. Cysts are unreleased ovules or eggs and they settle on the ovaries. These are common causes of infertility in women.

Does PCOS Affect Baby?

PCOS is a cause of infertility in women.  In some cases it is possible to conceive and carry the fetus till maturity. But extreme care has to be taken because complications caused by PCOS may appear and affect the unborn baby. A major complication is miscarriage.

If the mother can hold her baby long enough to deliver, she and her obstetrician/gynaecologist should be alert to birth defects like large babies, premature babies and infant mortality. Complete caution and care are very essential for a pregnant lady with PCOS.

Are PCOS pregnancies high risk?

Pregnancies in women with PCOS always have very high risk factors. The mother is at risk for preeclampsia (high blood pressure and fluid retention) and gestational diabetes.

These risk factors have an effect on the unborn baby.  Babies can grow to a larger than normal size obstructing normal delivery.  They may have below normal physical condition at birth.  Infant mortality is also a possibility in pregnant women suffering with PCOS. Proper care and awareness of the problems is critical for a healthy birth.

Can a woman with PCOS get pregnant without medication?

PCOS is a disorder affecting the reproductive system in a woman.  Indications of PCOS appear in the form of irregular menstrual cycle – a regular and normal menstrual cycle has ovulation, maturity of the ovule, release of the ovule and periods. Irregular cycle can occur if there is no ovulation because of hormonal or other disorders.

Sometimes after ovulation the ovule is not released -hardening to form a cyst. This syndrome is known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). It is necessary to control and regularise the menstrual cycle for pregnancy, which has to be supported with medication.

Medication is required to regulate the menstrual cycle and assist in pregnancy. It may be possible to undergo a full term pregnancy without medication depending on the case history.

Why does polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) cause infertility?

PCOS leads to ovulatory disorders in women which make it difficult to achieve pregnancy.Ovulation may not take place because of an increase in the development of testosterone or because the ovary follicles do not mature.

Even if ovulation occurs, a hormonal imbalance may prevent a proper development of the uterus lining to allow the mature egg to be implanted.

Ovulation and menstruation may be delayed due to unbalanced hormones. It can also make it difficult to get pregnant with irregular menstrual cycles causing infertility.

How to manage irregular periods/PCOS?

Managing Irregular periods and or PCOS is not difficult. A good endocrinologist can assess you by performing diagnostic tests and prescribe treatment options.

Normally mild contraceptive oral medication is advised to regulate the periods and improve ovulation. Some doctors also advise an insulin sensitive medicine. A shift to a healthy life style is very necessary.

Here are some proven home remedies to improve menstrual cycles. Yoga, Healthy weight, exercise and Vitamins are necessary for good health. Incorporate ginger and cinnamon, apple cider vinegar in the diet.

Why is there high testosterone in PCOS?

Testosterone is male hormone which gives men their masculine features especially facial and body hair. Some amount of testosterone is also secreted in women. Problems arise when testosterone is secreted in excess due to hormonal imbalance.

Extra Pituitary gland secretions or over production of insulin can cause high generation of testosterone which in turn is responsible for PCOS, excessive acne, superfluous body hair, deep voice. An endocrinologist can prescribe medication to balance the production of testosterone.

How to conceive with PCOD?

With extensive research in the field of medical research it is now possible to conceive despite having PCOD. The Endocrinologist/ gynaecologist usually suggest a course of mild oral contraceptive pills to be taken by the woman.

The oestrogen and progesterone in the pills help in regularising hormone imbalance for normal menstrual cycles and ovulation. These pills are also effective in reducing the secretion of Testosterone. Once the menstrual cycle is normalised and ovulation is resumed, it is then easy to conceive.

Can you have PCOS and still have regular periods?

The most common symptom of PCOS is an irregular menstrual cycle. In some cases a patient can have a normal cycle yet suffer from PCOS.  With hormone therapy and medication it is possible to control and regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Conception may become an issue and require further treatment but with a normal menstrual cycle, issues like obesity, androgen side effects can be greatly reduced. An Endocrinologist can prescribe the right course of treatment.

PCOS is definitely treatable but ignoring symptoms may lead to serious complications. Be aware about its consequences and get it treated before it affects your dream of motherhood.