Diabetes and feet – Plantar warts symptoms

Plantar warts & Diabetes

Infections are common in people with diabetes due to reduced immunity.  Since the lower extremities and feet are the most affected by reduced blood supply and immunity, foot problems are more common in people with diabetes. Plantar warts is one such condition that causes foot pain and sensitivity.

Diabetes and feet – Plantar warts symptoms

Plantar warts are a kind of diabetic foot infection that is caused due to HPV or human papillomavirus. This viral infection affects the outer layer of the skin on the feet and causes pain and sensitivity with the action of pressure and friction.

Usually occurring at the bottom of the toes or feet, plantar warts spreads as the virus directly comes in contact with the skin. People with diabetes are more prone to plantar warts and it is a contagious infection which causes foot pain and sensitivity.

Though this diabetic foot infection is visible with changes in skin, symptoms manifest in the form of:

  • Appearance of small dots on the surface of the skin
  • Foot pain
  • Thickening of the skin on the affected area
  • Lumpy and firm lesions on the surface of the skin
  • Pinpoint dark spots on the skin
  • Change in skin color to brown or yellowish on the affected area

It is very important for a person with plantar warts not to scratch the affected area as this is a contagious disease and can spread to other parts of the body.