Diabetes and feet- Athlete’s foot diagnosis

Athlete's foot in diabetes

Diabetic foot infections are assessed by many examinations including clinical presentation, the symptoms exhibited by the patient, and the diabetes control one has.

Diabetes and feet – Diagnosis of Athlete’s foot

Being a fungal infection, athlete’s foot is caused due to a fungus called tinea pedis. People with diabetes are more susceptible to this condition by coming in direct contact with the fungus in community places, by sharing towels and other articles of an infected person, wearing ill-fitting shoes, and having improper foot care in diabetes.

It is very important for a person with diabetes to immediately consult a diabetes doctor or a podiatrist as soon as symptoms set in. This is because diabetes is characterized by reduced immunity which increases the healing time.

Diagnosis of athlete’s foot is made by a physical examination of the feet, scraping parts of the infected skin to be examined under a microscope, and testing the skin sample in potassium hydroxide for confirmation of the fungal infection.

Upon confirmation of athlete’s foot, doctors prescribe topical antifungal ointments, and at times, antifungal medications as part of the treatment plan.