Foot Care and Eye Care for Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects both men and women. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, it is vital to keep the blood sugar levels under check, as high blood sugar can affect other parts of the body and cause serious complications. Also, consistently focus on weight management, eating a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Some of the biggest concerns that diabetes patients may have is dealing with foot infections and eye problems.

Foot Care and Diabetes

Many diabetes patients complain of foot-related complications like fungal infections, blisters, ingrown toenails, corn, hammertoes, athlete’s foot, etc. While these problems can affect anyone, it can be critical for people with diabetes because:

  • The poor blood flow can slow the wound healing
  • Because of the suppressed immune system, you may be more prone to infection
  • The damaged foot muscles nerves may affect the alignment of the foot, which in turn may cause more pressure on the foot and increase the risk of foot sores and ulcers

How to Prevent Foot Problems?

If you are already dealing with diabetes, you may be at risk of various foot-related complications. To avoid this situation, you must make time every day for foot care. It is advisable to wash your feet thoroughly and examine the top and bottom of the feet to see if there are any signs of infection, cracks, wounds, blister, or redness.

If you notice any such issues, consult your doctor immediately. The doctor may apply sterile bandages to protect the cuts and prescribe antibiotic cream for cracks and infections. Also, it is vital that you take care of the nails and cut them regularly to prevent the risk of ingrown toenails.

You must also avoid walking barefoot and wear good quality and perfect-fitting footwear. Orthopaedic footwear is also available at some popular shoe shops, or online. Checking your feet every day can help you detect any impending problems that could potentially become serious, and get corrective treatment. So, make it part of your daily morning routine.

Eye Care and Diabetes

Scientific evidence suggests diabetes can affect the eyes in more than one way. It can damage the blood vessels in the eye, and make you vulnerable to serious eye problems such as glaucoma, retinopathy and cataract.

A cataract is a condition where the lenses in the eye become cloudy, and the vision becomes blurry. While cataract is common among older adults, anyone can get it, especially if they have diabetes. The problem may develop at a young age, and it can progress more quickly.

Glaucoma occurs when the pressure inside the eye increases due to inefficient draining of the fluids. The pressure damages the eye nerves and affects the vision.

Retinopathy is caused due to blood vessel damage in the eye, and if left untreated for long, can lead to permanent vision loss.

How to Prevent Eye Problems?

One of the best ways to prevent diabetes-related eye problems is to keep your blood sugar levels under check. Also, it is paramount to visit an eye doctor at least once in six months for a complete check-up.

It is said, ‘prevention is better than cure.’ This holds true for diabetes management. Taking your diabetes medicines on time, eating a healthy diet, making lifestyle changes, and reducing your stress can help you maintain blood sugar at a normal level, while preventing any unwanted complications.

Categories: Diabetes & Eyes