Thyroid Disorders


The Thyroid is an endocrine gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism like heart rate, blood pressure and…

FAQ’s on Thyroid and its impact on Weight

The Thyroid is an Endocrine gland situated in the neck. The main function of the Thyroid is to regulate metabolism,…

Hypothyroidism and Diabetes – FAQs

Medical practitioners attribute a lot of ailments and disorders to thyroid malfunction. Thyroid gland is responsible for the body’s metabolism…

Parathyroid Disorders

What are parathyroid glands? Most people are oblivious of the existence of these small pea-shaped endocrine glands that are located…

Thyroid Storm

Thyroid storm is a life-threatening thyroid disease that occurs due to excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. This is a condition…

Hyperthyroidism Treatment

Once the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is confirmed with the help of tests prescribed by an endocrinologist, treatment plan is made.…

Hyperthyroidism Diagnosis

Overactive thyroid glands may not always show up in the form of symptoms. In some of the cases, hyperthyroidism can…

Signs & Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

Overactive thyroid glands show up in the form of numerous symptoms. As such having a hyperactive thyroid causes an increase…

Thyroid Disorders – Hyperthyroidism

What is Hyperthyroidism? Hyperthyroidism is a set of diseases that is characterized by overactive thyroid glands. In these conditions, the…

Thyroid Disorders – Graves’ Disease

Bulging eyes, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, and a host of other painful symptoms make Graves’ disease a tough autoimmune thyroid disease…

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Like many other thyroid diseases, it is quite easy to miss out Hashimoto’s thyroiditis until the condition is quite severe.…

Thyroiditis – Inflammation of the thyroid gland

What is thyroiditis? Thyroiditis is the inflammation of thyroid glands. It is enlarged thyroid glands that is caused due to…

Postpartum thyroiditis

Having thyroid disorders during pregnancy means managing both pregnancy and thyroid problems with utmost care. This is because of the…

Hypothyroidism treatment in pregnant women

It has become a norm for doctors to prescribe a thyroid function test before women plan to conceive, or just…

Management of Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder that affects women more than men. Being a lifelong condition and an endocrine disorder…

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