
Calorie is a unit of heat or energy contained in a substance. All foods consumed contain calories and the calories burned are converted into chemical energy for the body to consume and store. A calorie is defined as the energy required to increase the temperature of water by one degree centigrade. However, in the nutritional context, calories have a different meaning. Calorie is a unit of energy that is measured in kilocalories. In order to measure the nutritional value of foods, the calories per serving is measured. When food is ingested, proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides are digested by the action of enzymes and digestive juices. This results in the formation of amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, and glycerol. These are then oxidized in the cells. Then, in the process of catabolism, glucose is converted into pyruvate, ATP, and NADH. By the production of ATP, the energy of sugars and fats are converted into chemical energy to be consumed or stored. Calories are required for all the basic functions of a body including respiration, heartbeat, blood circulation, and functioning of vital organs. It is also required for all the activities. The basal metabolic rate is the number of calories required by a person every day. It is measured as:
(9.99 X Weight of a person in Kg) + (6.25 X Height of a person in cm) – (4.92 X Age of a person) + 5
(9.99 X Weight of a person in Kg) + (6.25 X Height of a person in cm) – (4.92 X Age of a person) – 161
Calorie requirement varies from person to person depending upon the age, gender, physical activity, overall wellbeing, height, and other factors. People with diabetes however have to be cautious about their calorie intake. Excess amounts of calories can lead to high blood sugar levels due to a higher amounts of carbohydrate content in the food. A higher amount of protein content can put pressure on the kidneys and cause proteinuria. Consuming excess fats can increase the cholesterol levels increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A balance of carbohydrates, fats, and protein is a must for people with diabetes.