Brachial Neuritis:

Brachial Neuritis:

Brachial neuritis is a condition that is characterized by an inflammation of the brachial plexus (a network of nerves that extends from spinal cord through the neck into the armpit). It causes shoulder pain that is sudden in onset, and also causes weakness and numbness. When these network of nerves are damaged, it causes severe pain. Brachial neuritis is a rare condition. It causes symptoms like pain in the upper arm and shoulder. Pain can be throbbing and radiating and it causes arm weakness. In rare conditions, it might even cause arm paralysis. Brachial neuritis is diagnosed by the help of x-rays, and MRI scans. Treatment for brachial neuritis depends upon the severity of the symptoms. Prescriptions of steroidal pain medications, neurotropic medications, and physical therapy is given. In people with diabetes, since nerve damage occurs due to diabetic neuropathy, they are prone to many nerve conditions. Conditions like diabetic neuralgia (See: Diabetic Neuralgia), and diabetic neuropathy to nerves of many organs and locations of the body occur.