Bowel Movement:

Bowel Movement:

Bowel movement is the movement of the waste particles out of the body after digesting the food. It comes out of the digestive tract through the transverse and sigma colon and out of the rectum and anus in the form of fecal matter or stools. Bowel movements vary from person to person and upon the type of food consumed. However, changes in the type of bowel movements and the type of stools are a cause of concern. If there is an increase/decrease in the frequency of the bowel movements, there is a change in the consistency of the bowel movements, or there is a change in the color of the stool with the appearance of blood in the stools, then it is a cause of concern. Many people with certain conditions have pain during defecation People with diabetes might experience a change in bowel movements due to the diabetes-relates complications of the GI tract. Both autonomic neuropathy (See: Autonomic Neuropathy) and certain diabetes medications contribute to inability to control wind and stools in people with diabetes.